Industries In Australia

Bespoke Automated Conveyors – Who Fits The Bill? Looking At The Five Biggest Service Industries In Australia.

Bespoke automated conveyers’ systems are used worldwide, and various conveyor types are used depending on the industry. Automated conveyers dramatically increase the speed and consistency of a range of tasks throughout hundreds of industries across the world. 

Conveyors are essential machinery in many factories, as they allow goods to be moved various distances without the need for multiple workers to do so manually. 

Here are the five biggest service industries that rely on quality conveyor systems.


The automotive industry uses conveyors to move auto parts down the assembly line. These parts weigh up to hundreds of kilos, or more, which means this industry requires reliable and well-maintained conveyers. 

Even within the same automotive facility, numerous conveyors of different sizes are responsible for moving parts between various departments and areas. 

Food Processing

Another large user of conveyor system are food processors. In the food processing industry, a conveyers’ purpose is to speed up and eliminate as much human product handling, while speeding up production speeds. 

Every food manufacturer, processor and packager relies on a conveyor system. A single packet of cookies starts with a flour mill and processing system, then goes to the bakery, and then to warehouse – each of these processes requires a conveyor system at some point.


Just as in the automotive industry, the manufacturing industry relies heavily on conveyor systems to move products to various assembly lines. For example, to put shampoo in a bottle, the bottle must be sent from the moulds, to the fill station, then it goes to get labelled and capped.  All of this movement is completed in record time, through a conveyer. 


If you travel by plane with tons of luggage, then you have likely seen the conveyor systems responsible for moving luggage from the cargo hold of the aircraft to the luggage carousel where you retrieve your bags. The conveyors used in the airports must be high-quality enough to protect the items inside your luggage from damage.


Conveyor belt systems are used in the mining industry to improve mining process efficiency and long-term performance. Depending on the specific mining trade, the conveyor belts and the way they operate will vary. Mining operations depends heavily on conveyor belts to transport the material taken out of the ground and get it into production areas.

It is easy to understand how automated conveyor systems can make a range of previously manual jobs, a lot easier. However, having a high-quality conveyer system is crucial to ensure they can withstand all processes. Low-quality conveyers can cause expensive downtime and lead to your conveyers needing numerous repairs. So, when buying automated conveyer systems, make sure you are purchasing them from a trusted and reliable manufacturer within Australia, such as DRYSYS.

DRYSYS is one of the leading industrial automated conveyors manufactures in Australia. They source the highest-quality materials to construct their conveyors and use the latest technology to automate and increase transportation efficiency. 

Floor tow conveyors, multiple strand conveyors, slat chain conveyors, powered roller conveyors, and overhead conveyors are among some of the conveyers they manufacturer, however, they can also create bespoke systems, especially for your business needs.