Gambling Addiction

6 Factors That Lead Gambling Addiction

Gambling steers you into a wide range of problems, nevertheless, habitual dependency could occur in any one single individual. The underlying issues for each and every vary but mostly happen in a few known ways. Not even scientists can yet predict who is susceptible to growing from a weekend small-fun bet kind of person to a full-out-blown addict. 

Like many other diseases, this disorder always appears on a full continuum. Nothing is quite black and white here, as it would be with a broken bone. The range starts somewhere around attempted abstinence, but mostly failing, to full-scale gambling. People usually become aware of gambling as a serious problem when it interferes with money management, relations( whether it be family or friends), and especially the workspace. The latter usually comes out last, because that’s the place where the person is least likely to show his true persona. The individual himself might not even realize for a long time that they are having a major problem. 

Here is a supplemental list of proven strategies to help you say goodbye for good to problem gambling.

Factors that definitely play a role

Not all, but a good percentage of people, appear from the outside to be perfectly fine even while they are already struggling with addiction. For many, the issue emerges as a surprise for themselves and everyone around them. They might be thought of as reliable, accountable, and disciplined people, and yet still succumb to this pathology. Here are some factors that may be pushing these persons over the edge:

 Post-work depression or crisis.

After retiring, most expect to feel joy and relief and are all of a sudden hit with dealing with vast feelings of emptiness and lack of fulfillment. The person was acting and doing their thing all of their life, and then abruptly, all of their life’s work come to a halt. People’s self-worth and sense of meaning usually arrive from the work they do. When all of that is lost, they become an easy target for bad habits. Their values may get mixed up, and they start to forget their own nature


Disturbing circumstances and shocking events may lead to long-term consequences. It may even be trauma that happened a very long time ago, such as a childhood experience. These kinds of memories can cause both emotional and physiological effects, resulting in the suffering of the mind, some related conditions being trauma disorders, such as PTSD, ASD, or RAD. This might even be a single-time event, but an ongoing or a prolonged stressful episode.

 Work-associated pressure.

Everyone has these awful days at work, moments they wish they didn’t have to go through or even remember. You can’t get on with the boss, another worker, or a business partner. But people vary widely in their ability to handle all kinds of stress, and job-related is not special here. For some, that may be enough to put them on their toes and fall into an abyss of sadness or misery, that leads to gambling.

 A mental disorder such as melancholy or anxiety-related syndromes.

These might be caused by the other factors discussed, although they may also develop independently. On their own, they are enough to cause sufficient distress to play a role in progressing a hobby into a betting addiction. Mental disorders should not be taken lightly, and be supervised and managed by a licensed medical professional.


Lacking friends and peers can cause a wreck unto a human being. After all, we social creatures that are wired to connect with others. That is just in our nature, and there aren’t any ways around that. Not getting enough communal interaction may have a significant effect on your physical and mental health. Loneliness quite literally causes both cardiovascular and psychological disorders. It’s not an issue to brush off as many simply. Being alone for extended periods of time could also compromise your hormonal and immune systems. First, cortisol shoots up at an increasingly fast rate. Then, you are starting to run a risk of developing a serious condition, as a result of this: Diabetes mellitus, sleep issues such as insomnia, and weight-related complications that may further down the road lead to obesity.

 Having a substance abuse disorder or alcoholism.

Any other type of addiction plus problem gambling is a dire situation. Both of these will affect the same sectors in the brain, triggering compulsive desires and thoughts from two fronts, making it substantially harder to deal with any one of them. Failing with either one will result in the desire to drop any resistance you have left in you, and may exacerbate both conditions simultaneously.