SEO and Social Media

SEO and Social Media: Friends or Foes?

(If the topic’s controversial, and you know it, clap your hands!)

We know it is, and that’s because there is a difference between the two very specific words: “causality” and “correlation”. We’ll get to it immediately. 

Apparently, your social media content may be correlated, i.e. connected to the ranking of your website, but ranking does not depend on, i.e. it’s not caused by your social media input.

So you see why we are talking about this- because even though it won’t impact on your SERP per se, it will have a great impact on your visibility, which further boosts your chances of going higher on a ranking scale. 

You can have the best possible website (ask our friends at Web design Houston), and still you have to keep in mind this: when it comes to what you post on social media, it’s not about ANY content across all of it, it’s QUALITY content should be aiming at. 

Visible Is Better

if you offer something of value to your audience, especially something that solves someone’s (business) problem and makes their (business) lives easier, people will comment on it, share it, link it, and all of a sudden, your business is the toast of the town. 

That’s because your ideas become visible, making people visit your website. There’s the rub. Facebooking and Instagramming and tweeting are extremely likely to increase the website traffic, which especially comes in handy to younger websites that don’t have much organic reach yet. 

Also, posting across various platforms has another purpose: it reveals your business in front of the new people (potential customers). By curating it carefully and purposefully, the effects are as follows: you load your website with top-notch writing, leading further to a rise in traffic and eventually a long solid backlink inventory. 

Creating value is not manipulation- it’s a true investment in future conversion rate. Do it consistently and often, and people will talk. 

Great content leads to greater visibility which leads to a website, domain, and, quite possibly, backlink boost which leads to higher ranking (organic at that).

In other words: the visibility of your social media impacts the website traffic, and the traffic of your website impacts SEO.

To make your content even more expansive, write shorter versions for websites such as Medium which is open for anyone who wants to publish cool stuff, of course taking the audience back to your own blog or website for the whole story.

Social Media to Boost Visibility

  • Search engines’ algorithms value video a lot. YouTube is also one of them, and you can’t even pronounce the number of views there. There’s a spot for your business and its ideas as well. Put up weekly videos and watch your ranking go upwards. Backlink your website, et voila! 

Also, include geolocation in your imagery and video posts, because your content will be found more easily. The more people become aware of your name, brand, business activity, the more they will engage with your content and, hopefully, website. 

  • Twitter is the place to be, and not only for Donald. Here are several tips:
  • make sure you don’t use overused hashtags
  • Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet
  • Put links in your tweets
  • Engage in chats with people from the market and industry
  • Facebook is a given. Use promotion tools to advertise your content and leverage your visibility. 
  • When it comes to Instagram, it’s all about stories nowadays. And product tagging, which takes people to your website easily. Pay attention, the photos can be Googled (hello, visibility!) if you use the public profile, relevant hashtags, comment on your posts and elsewhere, and engage with the audience in general.
  • LinkedIn is on a steady rise, so pay attention. After all, it boasts with half a billion users. Moreover, it is said that almost 65% of total visits to business websites from various networks come through it. The numbers are high!
  • For a lot of businesses, Pinterest is the place, simply because customers visit this website to make the final buying decisions. 

Why Social Media and SEO Should Work Together

As this article about the ways to incorporate social media into SEO says: “The key to understanding that search and social media marketing need to work together is to think about the problem both search and social solve: information discovery.” 

In other words, people use both search engines and social media to solve some problems: a question they know, as the article says, or the question they don’t know yet. You can’t put a clear line between the two because it’s artificial. 

That’s why you need to:

  • Incorporate buttons for social share on the website 
  • Use the same keywords across the networks
  • Put your link where it should be (hint: “link in bio”)
  • By all means, put the link in all video material
  • Post often* (the frequency varies from network to network- what is enough for Tweeter (around 15 tweets) is way too much for LinkedIn, where one weekly post counts as optimal). 
  • Ask people to share


If you do the homework and start creating proper content constantly, your business will eventually be flourishing, and it won’t matter if there is “causality” or “correlation” between your Facebook account and SEO. 

In the end, what matters is the results of your content creation, not the creation of the content itself. 

Author Byline:

Liam Collins is a tech pundit and Web enthusiast working at He spends most of his time reading and writing about the current affairs in the world of information technology. When he isn’t working, he likes going for long bike rides and walks in nature.